[BHS Etree] EVENT: Student Leaders Needed for Global Day of Action on Climate Change, Oct. 10

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Tue Oct 5 08:11:20 PDT 2010

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Linda Currie
[mailto:lcurriedesign at aol.com]

10-10-10 is an important Global Day of Action on Climate Change -- 5,200
locations in 184 countries will be showing our leaders that they need to
take serious action on climate change. BHS students are invited to join
Berkeley's global work party on Oct 10th with bike rides, creek clean ups,
garden expansions, solar cooking, energy efficiency projects and a city wide
celebration from 3-5 at Civic Center Park with a tug of war on Prop 23,
music, raffle, Julia Butterfly Hill, and a group photo spelling out 3-5-0 at
4pm (350 ppm is the safe level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere--we
recently passed 391 ppm and are going up). 

Student leaders are needed urgently. Check out over 20 events around
Berkeley on Oct 10th at www.101010berkeley.org and walk or ride your bike
with your friends to the celebration at the end of the day.  Go to
www.350.org to see the worldwide plans!

For any questions, please contact Linda Curry, BHS parent and 350 Berkeley
organizing committee, at lcurriedesign at aol.com

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