[BHS etree] COLLEGE|CAREER: Advisor's Bulletin for Sept. 3, 2008

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Sep 2 17:52:55 PDT 2008

iabrams at berkeley.k12.ca.us  or 644-6804

College Advisor's Bulletin
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mealybugs were inconsequential in the development of rock music.  


Looking for a BHS senior female student who would like to work with a
beginning freshman girl who needs help with all major subjects; math,
science, English.  Start after Labor Day or before.   Job description
is: Overseeing with her homework and helping her get more organized.
Must be reliable, academic, organized and have a good attitude.
Beginning with a couple of hours a week. Pay is $12:00 per hour.  Meet
at the Berkeley public library after school.  Time and day not decided
as yet but most likely right after school Monday/Wednesday.  If
interested please email hcurran10 at hotmail.com .

Homework Helper needed in math and language arts for 8th grade girl.
One hour 2-3 times per week. Will pay $12.00 per hour. Call Micky or
Steve at 510-848-2674 or email Micky at mickydux at earthlink.net .


SENIOR PARENT COLLEGE NIGHT - NEW DATE - Wednesday, September 10, 6:30
pm in the Berkeley High library, Ms. Price and I will be giving a
detailed overview of the college application process.  Please come by
to get all your questions answered.  (Date was changed because of
conflict with the PTSA meeting.)

SENIORS:  Ms. Price and I will be speaking to your English classes
next week.  You will be able to sign up for an individual appointment
after the class presentations are completed.  Until then, please stop
by at lunch or after school to get your questions answered.

REMINDER:  If you are applying to private colleges which need a
counselor recommendation, your Senior Profiles are due on September
5th if you are applying Early Decision or Early Action or to any
school which requires a recommendation by November 1. They are due on
September 19th  for Regular Decision.  You do NOT need to fill these
out if you are applying only to the UC's, Cal State Universities or
community colleges. 


Over 100 college representatives visit Berkeley High's College/Career
Center every year.  Seniors may attend up to 10 of those meetings,
with the permission of the teacher whose class they are missing.  Sign
up in advance in the College/Career Center and pick up a permission
slip.  The complete September list is available at
http://bhs.berkeley.net/index.php?page=finding-a-college .

Friday, September 5
9:30 Princeton University (NJ)

Tuesday, September 9
9:30 University of Puget Sound (WA)
2:20 Linfield College (OR)

Thursday, September 11
10:35 Kalamazoo (MI)

Friday, September 12
8:30 California Institute of Technology (Cal Tech)
10:35 Canadian Colleges - Simon Fraser, U of Victoria, U of Alberta

SAT/ACT TEST DATES - Tuesday, September 9 is the regular registration
deadline for the October 4 SAT and SAT subject tests.  Friday,
September 19 is the regular registration deadline for the October 25
ACT test.  Fee waivers for low income students are available in D221.


Stanford University - Sun., September 7, 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm,
Marriott-Oakland City Center, Jewett Ballroom, 1001 Broadway, Oakland.
Registration encouraged.  Go to  
admission.stanford.edu/StanfordInYourArea .  

Emory, Northwestern, U of North Carolina and U of Virginia - Wed.,
September 10, 7;30 pm, San Mateo Marriott San Francisco Airport, 1770
South Amphlett Blvd., San Mateo.  RSVP at
www.ugadm.northwestern.edu/session .  

Princeton University - Wed., September 10, 7:00-9:00 pm, Hilton
Oakland Airport, 1 Hegenberger Road, Oakland.  

Jesuit College Fair - Thursday, September 11, 7:00-9:00 pm, St.
Ignatius College Prep, 2001-37th Avenue, SF.  


*California Museum's Dreamers Challenge - Submit an essay, video,
audio or artwork to tell us how your dream will leave a lasting mark
on the state, nation and the world.  Must be a senior and California
resident.  Award - $5,000 cash and attend the California Hall of Fame
Events.  Application available in D221 and at www.CaliforniaMuseum.org
.  Received deadline:  October 10

*Horatio Alger Association - Open to graduating seniors, planning to
pursue a bachelor's degree, (but may start at a community college),
with family income no more than $50,000, involved in co-curricular and
community activities, with a minimum GPA of 2.0, who is a US citizen.
Apply online at www.horatioalger.org/scholarships .  Scholarships from
$2,000-20,000.  Deadline:  October 30.  

*New to the bulletin today

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