[BHS etree] ADMIN: Math Testing at the end of the summer -

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Jun 14 15:25:08 PDT 2005

Students who are taking a math course not at BHS over the summer and who
want to use it as a BHS prerequisite for a math course at BHS next year,
need to take our final at the end of the summer.  They need to register so
a test will be available for them.  Through noon 6/17, they should send an
email to Jbodenhausen at berkeley.k12.ca.us.  Thereafter, they should send it
to Michael_Weitz at berkeley.k12.ca.us.   Mr. Weitz will check his email from
time to time over the summer.  The only exception to needing to be tested
is for current Math Analysis A students who take trig at a community
college and earn at least a C.

Students who qualify for second chance honors placement testing should
follow the same procedure.

Tests will be given on August 24 at 10:00 am and on September 6 at 3:30 --
both in H306.  These are the only times the tests will be given.

Judith Bodenhausen, PhD
Math Department Head
Berkeley High School
1980 Allston Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 883-5204
jbodenhausen at berkeley.k12.ca.us

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direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com> To
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