[Individualmembers] Dinners-To-Go

The Women's Faculty Club hotel at womensfacultyclub.com
Mon Aug 22 13:47:46 PDT 2011

Dear Members -

We look forward to welcoming many members back to campus as the academic
year shifts into full gear.  Remember that you can take a break from
cooking on Wednesday nights as your schedule intensifies!

The "Dinner-To-Go" entree for this week is Lamb Tagine with almonds, lemon
and olives; served with couscous - $11.95.  The vegetarian entree is
Moroccan Seasonal Roasted Vegetables with almonds, lemon and olives;
served with couscous - $9.75. You can email, fax or call in your orders by
Tuesday, August 23, at 3 pm!

Mary Remy
Manager, The Women's Faculty Club
University of California, Berkeley 94720-6055
Phone: (510) 642-4175
Fax: (510) 204-9661
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