[Individualmembers] Dinner-to-Go and Other Reminders

The Women's Faculty Club hotel at womensfacultyclub.com
Mon Apr 25 13:36:48 PDT 2011

Dear Members –

This week’s “Dinner-To-Go” entrée is Roast Chicken Dijon made with Mary’s
free range chicken and served with mashed potatoes and ratatouille -
$12.75.  The vegetarian entrée is Eggplant Parmesan served with hearts of
romaine salad with grape tomatoes, crumbled bleu cheese and toasted
walnuts - $11.95.  The soup is spinach with lemon crème fraîche for $4.95.
 The deadline for ordering has been extended to Tuesday 12 noon.    Orders
may be faxed, emailed or phoned to the Club office.  See attached order

In other news – the Board has approved a fundraiser for Japanese Disaster
Relief.   Dine at the Club on Friday, May 13 or Tuesday, May 17 and 20% of
your meal charges will be donated to relief efforts.  More details will be
in the May newsletter.

The May “Arts in the Afternoon” on Wednesday, May 4th, will feature Larry
Rinder, Berkeley Art Museum Director discussing “Create” an exhibit that
focuses on creativity and disability in the arts.  Join us at 4:00 p.m.
for an inspiring presentation.

We are now selling UC Davis Olive oil and olive oil body products in the
office.  If you missed the olive oil tasting and presentation at the Open
House you can still sample the excellent quality of their products.  These
items make great gifts – either for yourself or others – and you support
an outstanding organization within the UC system!

Mary Remy
Manager, The Women’s Faculty Club
Women's Faculty Club
University of California, Berkeley
Phone: (510) 642-4175
Fax: (510) 204-9661

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