[BHS Etree] ATHLETICS: Boys Water Polo Team

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Wed Dec 2 16:27:17 PST 2020

Please do not reply to this email. Contact berkeleyhighwp at gmail.com for
more info.

Interested in joining the Boys Water Polo team?

The Berkeley High Boys Water Polo team is recruiting a few new members for
the upcoming season.  Berkeley High Varsity Boys were the undefeated League
Champions last year, this is your chance to be part of a winning team.
Basic swim skills and comfort in the water are required, but beginners are
welcome.  Water polo is a challenging and physical sport that is also tons
of fun to play.

Pre-season conditioning starts next Monday, December 7.  In preparation,
there will be a zoom call for all returning and prospective players this
Friday, December 4, at 4 pm.

Email berkeleyhighwp at gmail.com for the zoom call information.  Go Jackets!

Contact berkeleyhighwp at gmail.com for more info.

Nicole Chee, Jenny Fosket, Chaghig Walker, and Charlotte Le Liboux are the
parent-volunteer facilitators of the Etree; please direct any questions
about the Etree to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net.

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BHS website: http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/
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