[BHS Etree] SPORTS: BHS Athletics Scores and Schedule

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Mon Dec 9 22:22:10 PST 2019

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BHS Athletics

Website: bhs.berkeleyschools.net/athletics


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12/2 to 12/7 highlights

Last week was amazing, intense, and busy for the Jackets. It's impossible
to capture all the excitement in a summary (you'll have to come watch!),
but here goes:


   Wrestling started the week with a strong showing at the Novice
   tournament in San Lorenzo and did very well on Saturday at the Arroyo JV
   tourney and Half Moon Bay Varsity tournament

   Boys Soccer got going with a flurry with a scrimmage on Mon and games Wed
   <https://twitter.com/BHSjacketSports/status/1202618494988120064>, Thur
   and Saturday
   <https://twitter.com/BHSjacketSports/status/1203679200168660994>. All
   levels did well and varsity finished the week 2-0-1.

   Likewise, girls soccer was busy. All 3 levels had tough matches. The
   frosh played hard in a challenging tournament and the JV and Var ended the
   week Saturday with convincing wins over Deer Valley

   Girls basketball hosted a 24 team tournament! There was intense
   competition for 3 straight days at B-High. All 3 of our teams played very
   well. The varsity had two incredibly exciting come-from-behind wins.

   Boys basketball took on top flight teams in the Riordan tournament
   losing two very close games while adding a huge win over Mills. Jamir
   Thomas was lights out all tourney and received all tourney honors averaging
   25pts, 6 rebounds and 3 steals per game.

      Let's not forget our 9th graders who went 2-1 in the Ygnacio Valley

   And, finally, Our Competition Cheer team qualified and will be going to
   Jamz Nationals.
   <https://twitter.com/BHSjacketSports/status/1203544869613924353>The team
   travels to Las Vegas where they will compete in the Jamz Cheer and Dance
   School Nationals.

   Some other fun tidbits: In case you didn't see it on our website, here
   are your Fall All-Leaguers (note: Field Hockey was just posted so we'll
   get their pics up soon)


<https://westalamedacountyconference.org/public/genie/678/school/3/> to see
the games for this week (12/9 to 12/14)

- This is an incredibly busy week for our athletes with most contests on
the road.

- Still, there are home games Tues, Thurs, and Saturday if you want to drop
by and watch some Jacket sports!


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facilitators of the Etree; please direct any questions about the Etree to
them at bhs-owner at lmi.net.

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