[BHS Etree] STUDENT ACTIVITIES: SENIORS: Class of 2018 Senior Info

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Wed Jan 3 14:21:33 PST 2018

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Mr. V,
johnvillavicencio at berkeley.net

Hello Seniors & '18 Families,

A good starting place to find all material related to senior year is the *Class
of 2018 Senior Letter*. We update it regularly throughout the year, which
is especially true as we approach the date of Graduation on June 15.

You should also pay close attention to messages from Mary Jacobs, College &
Career Center, about final year responsibilities such as the Senior Exit
Report and other items related to post-high school. Head directly to the
CCC website for more resources, if you have not done so many times already.


February 2: Winter/Spring Dance more details TBD in January

February 27: Mandatory Senior Meeting in BCT during 6th period

Prom Season Begins: Make sure to clear all absence excuses before March 2.

March 19: Prom Ticket Sales* begin online bhsprom2018.bpt.me

March 26: Prom Ticket Sales* begin in-person Leadership Office

​See the Senior Letter for more events...

**must have 29 or fewer unexcused period absences. All attendance questions
should be directed to the Attendance Office.*


In April, Achievers Inc. will be on campus to distribute your Graduation
orders and answer any questions about class rings or other graduation
needs. Pick up will occur after school at the Donahue Gym in the following
order: April 16 (Last Names A-L) and April 17 (Last names M-Z). Please
visit their website BEFORE April to ensure your order is available for
pickup on these dates. Visit their website for their catalog and enter with
the code: *bhs510* http://graduationorder.com/


My Legacy Matters has completed Senior Portrait date on campus.  They will
not return to campus for portraits in 2018. Please contact them via their
website for questions regarding off-site portrait appointments and existing
orders.  You will need to register and create an account to schedule an
appointment.  https://www.mylegacymatters.us/​


You may have seen a note about a "Grad Nite" event with USA Student Travel.
This event is NOT SPONSORED by any member of the faculty or administration
of Berkeley High School. All questions should be directed towards USA
Student Travel. Thank you. 1-800-234-4723 <(800)%20234-4723>


Seniors, please ask all of your questions early with staff or Winston &
Shahada, your Senior Class Leadership Team. You can communicate directly
with your leadership team on Instagram @BerkeleySeniors18

Have a great day!


Marguerite Fa-Kaji, Jenny Fosket, and Dylan Kaufman are the
parent-volunteer facilitators of the Etree; please direct any questions
about the Etree to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net.

BHS etree archives: http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/

BHS website: http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/

BUSD 2017-2018 Calendar: http://bit.ly/BUSDCalendar

BUSD Non-Discrimination Statement / la Política de No Discriminación:

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