[BHS Etree] SENIORS: Senior Portraits & Senior Letter

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Mon Jan 9 13:09:17 PST 2017

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact John Villavicencio johnvillavicencio at berkeley.net<mailto:johnvillavicencio at berkeley.net>


ABC School Portraits would like to announce another round of senior portraits.

It's not too late to get your Senior Portrait in the yearbook.

It takes less than 30 minutes and you become a part of our history in the 2017 yearbook.

New portrait dates have been added and this may be your final chance.
Next Week, January 12th and 13th, here at Berkeley High.
Schedule an appointment today by visiting abcschoolportraits.com<http://www.abcschoolportraits.com/>

Don't forget about class rings, cap & gown orders, taking care of any attendance issues, etc...Please read through the senior letter at your earliest convenience in order to be prepared for your last semester at BHS.


Have a great day,

P.S. Be on the lookout for info about the "Winter Wonderland" dance on Feb. 3, talent show auditions, club fairs, and much, much more...

John Villavicencio
Director of Student Activities
(510) 644 - 8990<tel:%28510%29%20644-8990>
johnvillavicencio at berkeley.net<mailto:johnvillavicencio at berkeley.net>

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