[BHS Etree] STUDENT ACTIVITIES: Annual Holiday Meal Photos from Mark Coplan

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Sun Dec 11 20:36:36 PST 2016

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*Mark Coplan, recently retired Public Information Officer for BUSD, dropped
by this year’s Holiday Meal and sent this note with a link to the pictures
he took. –mod.*

Enjoying my retirement, but I was able to drop in to Berkeley High for the
annual Holiday Meal for the Homeless. It takes around 200 volunteers, from
the collection of food and money donations, to cooking it all on Friday and
serving it today. Students, staff, parents and alumni, it's always an
exciting time of service. Check out my photos of the Holiday Meal.

Berkeley High Annual Holiday Meal 2016 Photos: https://www.flickr.
com/photos/53901376 at N04/albums/72157677691456705


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