[BHS Etree] VOLUNTEERS: Volunteer Coordinator Needed for BHS/BTA Community Building Breakfast, Oct. 10 (Mon.)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Sun Oct 2 14:20:10 PDT 2016

PLEASE do not reply to this message, contact Monique de Brito, 
moniquedebrito at berkeley.net

Dear Berkeley Community,

On *Monday October 10th *the entire Berkeley High School (BHS) and 
Berkeley Technology Academy (BTA) staff will be gathering together for 
our first annual */All Staff Community Building Breakfast/*/./ Both BHS 
and BTA have endured a really difficult summer with the tragic death of 
our students and have also been confronted by several overtly racist 
events on campus these last few years. In the spirit of building 
community and being proactive in our efforts, we understand that to *be 
better for our students* we need to know one another first.  Berkeley 
High can be a very isolating place and this is an important step in 
breaking down the isolation, and coming together with BTA while we do 
it. Creating a *BHS/BTA Family* is the aim.

We need a small group of inspired and motivated Berkeley community 
members to help coordinate this "breakfast of champions" in two ways:

1) *One or two volunteers *to /organize/coordinate volunteers to help 
with tables, chairs, food set up, and cleanup. /Note: Rooms are already 
reserved and the tables and chairs should be in the room already. It is 
more directing the volunteers to setup and put back.

2) *One or two volunteers* to /organize/coordinate food donations. /

*Note:*I will be the volunteer coordinator staff contact person to guide 
_both efforts_ through this special morning session!  I am happy to help 
each coordinator set up a SignUpGenius account to solicit volunteers.

Please contact me back at moniquedebrito at berkeley.net 
<mailto:moniquedebrito at berkeley.net> if you and/or someone you know 
would be willing to help us out. Time is of the essence!

Thank you in advance for your generosity towards public school educators!


Marguerite Fa-Kaji, Catherine Ference and Dylan Kaufman are the 
parent-volunteer facilitators of the Etree; please direct any questions 
about the Etree to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net <mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net>.

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