[BHS Etree] STUDENT ACTIVITIES: Charity Basketball Tournament, April 15 (Fri)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Fri Apr 15 05:54:02 PDT 2016

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Lucas Scherman lucasscherman at students.berkeley.net<mailto:lucasscherman at students.berkeley.net>

Come out today to play and support a charity basketball tournament hosted by Berkeley High club, Net Gains. Grab a couple friends and head to the outdoor basketball courts near Jacket Stadium at 4:00 today. A ticket costs one dollar and the grand prize is a signed Monte Ellis jersey. For additional questions, please contact Lucas Scherman or Tucker Andrew.

Contact Lucas Scherman
lucasscherman at students.berkeley.net<mailto:lucasscherman at students.berkeley.net>

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