[BHS Etree] VOLUNTEERS: Help with Exit Exam Feb. 3 & 4 (Tues & Wed)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Mon Jan 12 19:43:50 PST 2015

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Lisa Sibony
lisasibony at berkeley.net 


Dear Community, 


The California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) is a requirement for
graduation. On Tuesday, February 3 and Wednesday, February 4, our entire
sophomore class will take the exam. The exams take place in our two large
gyms, the first day is English and the second day is Math. The exam is not
timed, so students will have the entire day to take the exam, however most
will finish by lunch.


We want the exam to be a calm and orderly experience, and one that starts on
time (!) for the over 800 students who will be taking it. In order to make
it so we need lots of help.


Please consider giving some time to our wonderful students. Below is
detailed information about the three shifts.  For 10th grade parents and
guardians this is a rare and special opportunity to see ALL of your child's
peers in one spot.  For any grade level parents it is a chance to help as
many students as possible to pass the test this first round. If you can come
help, please e-mail me with your availability -- what day(s) and what


. 7:15 to 8:30 am  - We need 10 volunteers to check students in (they arrive
at 7:30) and get the test rolling.  

. 8:30 to 11:30 am - We need 10 monitors to help the counselors and
administrators who are running the test.

. Noon to 2:30 pm  - We need 4 monitors/sorters to help sort this test so it
can be packaged in the proper fashion. 


Thank you very much,


Lisa Sibony 

lisasibony at berkeley.net 

Outreach and Volunteers

Berkeley High School



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