[BHS Etree] BUSD: English Learner Advisory Committee, Nov. 4 (Tues)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Mon Nov 3 18:32:57 PST 2014

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Charity DaMarto
charitydamarto at berkeley.net 


Please join us for the first District English Learner Advisory Committee


Tuesday, November 4, 6:00-7:30 PM


Where: Longfellow Middle School 1500 Derby St, 94703, in the Library

Who: At least one ELAC representative from each school and any community
member interested

Why: Learn how to organize your ELAC committee, qualifications for
Re-Classification and more!

Dinner and Childcare will be provided


If you have any questions, please contact Charity DaMarto at 644-8991 or
Diederich Bonemeyer 644-4829


Acompañenos para la primera reunión del Comité Asesor de Aprendicés del
inglés del Distrito (DELAC)

Local: Longfellow Middle School 1500 Derby St., 94703, en la biblioteca

Invitados: Por lo menos un representante de cada escuela y cualquier persona

Próposito: Hablar sobre la organización de los el Comités Asesores de
Aprendicés del inglés en cada escuela (ELAC) y los requisitos para el
proceso de reclasificación


Se proveerá cena y cuidado de niños

Sí tiene alguna pregunta favor de contactar a Charity DaMarto al 644-8991 ó
Diederich Bonemeyer al 644-4829. 


Charity DaMarto


Office of Family Engagement and Equity

Berkeley Unified School District

2020 Bonar Street, Berkeley, CA 94702

Suite 116

(510) 644-8991



Marguerite Fa-Kaji and Catherine Ference are the parent-volunteer
facilitators of the Etree; please direct any questions about the Etree to
them at  <mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net> bhs-owner at lmi.net.  To post a message,
send to:  <mailto:bhs at lmi.net> bhs at lmi.net; BHS etree archives:
<http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/> http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/;
BHS website:  <http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/>


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