[BHS Etree] PARENT RESOURCE CENTER: Bart Ticket Orders on 9/5 & 9/5/Ordenes de Boletos para el Bart

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Fri Aug 30 13:43:54 PDT 2013

    PLEASE do not reply to this message, contact Leticia Amezcua at
    leticiaamezcua at berkeley.net

    The Parent Resource Center will begin the Bart ticket pre-orders for
    the 2013-14 school year on Wednesday and Thursday, September 4^th
    and 5^th . Students may pre-order their Bart tickets in room D224.

    *Please note that ticket orders are taken on the two specific days
    and during _lunch time only from 11:38-12:18_.***

    Bart tickets are $16 for a $32 value ticket. You can order up to 4
    tickets per student. Cash only - _*no checks accepted*_. Ticket
    orders are mailed to BART after the second day of sales. Tickets
    arrive within 5-7 days. Students are notified of ticket arrival
    through the Student Daily Bulletin and e-tree.


    *Sept. 4-5Oct. 2-3*

    *Nov. 6-7 Dec. 4-5*

    *Jan. 8-9Feb. 5-6 *

    *Mar. 5-6Apr. 9-10 *

    *May 7-8May 28-29 *

    (Note: May 28-29 will be the last day for the end of school year

      Thank you,

    Parent Resource Center

      El Centro de Recursos para estará tomando las órdenes para los
    boletos del Bart. El primer día de las órdenes para el año escolar
    2013-2014 será el próximo miércoles y jueves 4 y 5 de septiembre,
    durante la hora de almuerzo 11:38-12:18.

    Los boletos cuestan $16 y tienen un valor de $32 dólares. Usted
    puede ordenar hasta 4 boletos por estudiante. Solo se acepta dinero
    en efectivo, no cheques. Las órdenes llegan de 5 a 7 días después
    que se tomo la orden. Los estudiantes serán informados de la llegada
    de los boletos a través del boletín de estudiantes y el e-tree.

    Fechas para ordenar los boletos del año escolar 2013-2014:

    *Sept. 4-5Oct. 2-3Nov. 6-7 Dec. 4-5*

    *Ene. 8-9Feb. 5-6 Mar. 5-6Abr. 9-10 *

    *Mayo 7-8Mayo 28-29***(Nota: el 28 y 29 de mayo será la última orden
    en el 2014)


    Centro de Recursos para Padres
    Marguerite Fa-Kajiand Catherine Ference are the parent-volunteer
    facilitators of the etree; please direct any questions to them at
    bhs-owner at lmi.net <mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net>. To post a message,
    send to: bhs at lmi.net <mailto:bhs at lmi.net>; BHS etree archives:
    http://lists.lmi. net/pipermail/bhs/
    <http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/>To _unsubscribe_ from the
    etree, send an email to bhs-request at lmi.net
    <mailto:bhs-request at lmi.net> with one word only in the subject line:
    'unsubscribe'; To _subscribe_ to the etree, send an email to
    bhs-request at lmi.net <mailto:bhs-request at lmi.net> with one word only
    in the subject line: 'subscribe.' http://bhs.berkeleyschools. net/

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