[BHS Etree] INCOMING FAMILIES: World Language Placement Test this Saturday, April 20

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Thu Apr 18 12:34:00 PDT 2013

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Janet Huseby janethuseby at berkeley.net

The World Language Placement test for incoming students is this Saturday, April 20 from 10 to 12 a.m. on the BHS campus, in Portable 11.  

This test is for any incoming student who wishes to take Spanish, French, Mandarin or Latin at a level other than beginning.  Please note: students currently enrolled in French or Spanish at King, Willard, or Longfellow do NOT have to take the placement exam--their teacher will determine placement. 

Portable 11 is located in the south west corner of the campus.  The gate on Milvia (near Durant) will be open.  You do not need to sign up in advance.  Bring a pencil.  The the test is both oral and written.  Some students will finish before the two hours are up, but parents and guardians should plan on the full two hours.  Please come slightly before 10 (by 9:55). 

The goal is to make sure students are placed in the proper level. 

Janet Huseby
Outreach and Volunteers
Berkeley High School


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