[BHS Etree] VOLUNTEERS: World AIDS Day Assembly Dec. 6 Ushers Needed

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Wed Nov 14 19:50:03 PST 2012

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Janet Huseby
janethuseby at berkeley.net 


This year's World AIDS Day Assembly will focus on Women and AIDS/HIV. We
need eight volunteers for the World AIDS Day Assembly on Thursday, December
6 which will take place in the Little Theatre during the morning. We need
volunteers reporting by 9:10 am to usher students into the theatre, to
briefly pick up papers, coats, etc. left after the performances, and to
model good audience behavior (no cell phones, lots of applause, etc).
Volunteers will not discipline students--there will be plenty of teachers
and staff available. 


Mr. Miller is in charge of the event.  He is working with the BHS Health
Center Staff to plan an event that focuses on the impact of AIDS/HIV on

Last year's World AIDS Day events were quite successful.  We expect this one
to be as well. The assembly will tentatively feature at least one or two
actors/performers, a possible excerpt from the BHS production of Vagina
Monologues, and the powerful speaker from last year, a BHS grad diagnosed as
positive at our own Health Center. 


If you are available to usher, please let me know at
JanetHuseby at berkeley.net 


Thank you,


Janet Huseby and Fern Royce

BHS Outreach and Volunteers


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