[BHS Etree] JAZZ - BHS Jazz Ensemble Takes First Place at Folsom! Combos A and B take 1st and 2nd!

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Tue Jan 31 08:04:09 PST 2012

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Congratulations to the Berkeley High Jazz Ensemble and to our new director, Sarah Cline!
The BHS Jazz Ensemble took first place in the AAAA division at the Folsom Jazz Festival on Saturday! Eight students from the BHS Jazz Ensemble were awarded musicianship awards for their performance in the ensemble. Those students were Marcelo Borque-Perez, Nick Lamb, Grant Milliken, Jonah Udall, Michael Orenstein, Harrison Reinisch, Fred Calloway and Paco Avila.
The Berkeley High Jazz Ensemble Combo A (Lev Facher, Nick Lamb, Grant Milliken, Elena Pinderhughes, and Brian Timar) took 1st place;
BHS Combo B (Marcelo Borque-Perez, Liam Collins, Sam Klein-Markman, Michael Orenstein, Hugo Shiboski, and Brian Timar) took 2nd place in the Combo Division A. All of these combo musicians were awarded outstanding musicianship awards.
Jonah Udall and Fred Calloway also were awarded outstanding musicianship awards in their combo.
Arabelle Shoenberg was awarded an outstanding musicianship award in Jazz Lab II.

Pat Anderson, Diane Douglas, Marguerite Fa-Kaji and Lisa Sibony are the parent-volunteer facilitators of the etree; please direct any questions to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net. 
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