[BHS Etree] EVENT: July 17 - Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser for BHS Cheerleading Team

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Fri Jul 16 08:57:03 PDT 2010

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Madeline Prager
[mailto:madeline at pacbell.net]

Pancake Breakfast Fund-raiser for BHS Cheerleading team. 
Saturday morning July 17th from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. enjoy a full pancake
breakfast with all the trimmings. Proceeds enable the BHS cheer teams to
participate in competitions and rent buses for events.  All in the name of
school spirit. Our girls are awesome, so come and help support this team.
$12 for 1 plate, $15 all you can eat. Tickets available at the door:
West Berkeley Senior Center
1900 6th street

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