[BHS etree] PTSA: BSEP Committee

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Fri Aug 28 18:34:47 PDT 2009

DO NOT REPLY TO THIS E-MAIL, please contact Allen King, current BSEP chair, with questions at allenk at mindspring.com
The BHS BSEP committee annually budgets over $600,000 to school  
programs. Parent/Guardian members and alternates will be elected at  
the PTSA meeting on Sept. 17 in the little theater at BHS.  
Participation on the BSEP committee is a great way to be connected to  
BHS. If you would like to run for BSEP, please email a brief personal  
statement (no more than 200 words) to Mark van Krieken, PTSA President  
at markvk4 at comcast.net,
Explain why you are interested in serving in this position. Please  
include your phone number and address so that the PTSA can contact  
you; this information will not be made public. Alternatively, you may  
mail or hand-deliver your statement to BHS PTSA, 1980 Allston Way,  
Berkeley, CA 94704, Attn: Elections. Please also include your  
neighborhood category (if known) and the program(s) or school(s) at  
Berkeley High in which your child or children are enrolled.
Come to the PTSA meeting on Sept. 17 and be prepared to introduce  
yourself to the PTSA as a candidate. Exact time and place of the meeting will be announced soon. 
Contact Allen King, current BSEP chair with questions.
allenk at mindspring.com


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