[BHS etree] MISC: BHS' College Advisor Featured on NPR

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Fri Apr 10 08:50:29 PDT 2009

The Bay Area's NPR radio station, KQED, presented a discussion of college
admissions on Forum, with Michael Krasny last Friday.  The program featured
one of Berkeley High School's college and career advisors, Ilene Abrams,
along with UC President Mark Yudof and representatives from San Jose State
University, Pomona College, Skidmore College and the College Board. 

We on the etree think many BHS parents would be interested in this
presentation, so if you did not hear it last week, here is the link to the
KQED podcast: http://www.kqed.org/epArchive/R904031000

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