[BHS etree] ADMIN: New Senior AC English course

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Feb 19 14:15:36 PST 2009

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to the etree, contact Leslie Tebbe
[mailto:ltebbe at berkeley.k12.ca.us] 

New Senior AC English Course:

There is a new senior English class available (pending approval) to
next year's seniors in Academic Choice.  Ms. Tebbe has designed the
course, called The Epic Novel, to give avid readers an opportunity to
read some of the longer texts that are often skipped in high school
due to their length.  These might include Steinbeck's East of Eden (or
Grapes of Wrath), Melville's Moby Dick, Garcia Marquez's 100 Years of
Solitude, Ellison's Invisible Man, etc.  

Discussions will surround what designates/constitutes an epic, and
what they reveal about their cultures.  There will be a fair amount of
reading, but some time will be given in class.  Students should sign
up for it when they choose classes for next year, in early March.  See
the course catalog and email Ms. Tebbe for more questions:
ltebbe at berkeley.k12.ca.us

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