[BHS etree] BUSD: Public Notice Regarding Community Learning Center Programs

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Jan 15 16:45:09 PST 2009

Do not reply to this email, if you have any questions please contact Mark Coplan: Mark_Coplan at berkeley.k12.ca.us

Public Notice is hereby given that the Berkeley Unified School District, by and through the State Administrator, acting as the Governing Board, pursuant to Senate Bill 39, intends to file applications with the California Department of Education seeking 21st Century Community Learning Center (CLC) Programs for elementary schools.

The general purpose of the 21st Century CLC is:
To establish or expand the community learning centers that provide students with academic enrichment opportunities along with activities designed to complement the students' regular academic program

To offer families of students served by community learning centers opportunities for literacy and related educational development.

To help working parents by providing a safe environment for students during non school hours or periods when school is not in session.

To create incentives for establishing locally driven after school enrichment programs that partner schools and communities to provide academic support and safe, constructive alternatives for pupils in the hours after the regular school day.

To assist pupils in passing the high school exit examination for public schools.

The following schools are proposed for inclusion in the BUSD's applications for 21st Century Community Learning Center Programs: LeConte Elementary and Rosa Parks Elementary.

Additional information about the 21st Century CLC and ASSETS Programs is also available on the California Department of Education web site at [http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ba/cp/funding.asp]www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ba/cp/funding.asp.

The application due date is January 30, 2009.  The Berkeley LEARNS After-School Program Office is preparing the applications.  For additional information, please contact Emily Davidow at that office at Emily_Davidow at berkeley.k12.ca.us

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