[BHS etree] BHSDG: Join the BHS Development Group!

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Mon Jul 21 08:31:36 PDT 2008

Do not reply to etree, contact Susan Helmrich 
<mailto:shelmrich at aol.com>shelmrich at aol.com or Jenny Burroughs 
<mailto:jdburroughs at sbcglobal.net>jdburroughs at sbcglobal.net ) or call 

Dear BHS Parents and Guardians,

It's time to start thinking about how you can get involved at 
Berkeley High!  Studies show that the more involved parents are, the 
better their student's academic performance and overall high school 
experience will be.

We need you and you can make a huge difference at Berkeley High.

The BHS Development Group (BHSDG) is the school's major fundraising 
organization.  We raise money and grant money to programs and 
projects where state and local funding fall short.  We are an all 
volunteer organization working hard to make a difference for all 
students at Berkeley High.  We need your help now, more than ever 

We invite you to join the BHSDG.  We meet the first Monday night of 
every month in the College and Career Center, from 7-9 PM (unless 
there is a holiday or no school). 

The first meeting of the 2008-09 academic year is Tuesday, September 2nd.

Please come.  Email us (Susan Helmrich 
<mailto:shelmrich at aol.com>shelmrich at aol.com or Jenny Burroughs 
<mailto:jdburroughs at sbcglobal.net>jdburroughs at sbcglobal.net ) if you 
have any questions or call the DG phone line 510.464.1181 and someone 
will return your call shortly.

We look forward to meeting you in September!

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