[BHS etree] PTSA: Unique Advertising Opportunity

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Fri Sep 21 12:56:02 PDT 2007

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to the etree, contact Jessica Seaton
[mailto:jessica at seatonwilson.com] 

This fall the Berkeley High PTSA will be publishing the 2007-2008
edition of the Family Directory for BHS students and their families.
It is hoped that this Directory will continue to be an indispensable
tool for parents and students to keep in touch with other families in
our community.

Last year advertising in the Student Directory raised over $5000.
Sales of these ads in the Directory allowed the PTSA not only to
publish the directory but also to provide much needed additional
funding for the Student Organizer. The Directory will be used by over
3200 students and their families, and if you are a local merchant
please consider purchasing an advertisement in this year's Directory! 

Do something good for your school, your community and your business --
advertise in the 2007-2008 Directory!  All advertisements will be in
full color, on glossy paper, ranging in price from $250 for 1/8 page
on the inside back cover to $2800 for the entire inside front page.

If you are interested in purchasing an ad, please contact Jessica
Seaton at <jessica at seatonwilson.com> as soon as possible.

Thank you for supporting your Berkeley High PTSA!

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