[BHS etree] ADMIN: STAR sorting Wednesday-Friday Help needed

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Apr 17 12:30:36 PDT 2007

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to the etree, contact Janet Huseby
[mailto:jhuseby at pacbell.net]
The massive STAR sorting task is now being concentrated into three
days Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (and possibly next Monday) 8:30 to
3:30 (maybe later, will check).  

Normally this job is done at a brisk pace over several weeks, but this
year, as of Friday, the tests had not yet been delivered to the state
from the New Jersey test service which generates them.  

The state will deliver the tests to the district on Tuesday and we,
Berkeley High, will receive them late that day or Wednesday morning.
If you can help for one or two hours at any point during the last
three days of the week, you will be very appreciated. 

I believe the sorting will take place in the foyer of the Community
Theater, but I am not sure.  When you come to help, please check with
the front desk for the sorting location.  Finally, if you can help,
please let me know at jhuseby at pacbell.net  Thank you,
Janet Huseby
jhuseby at pacbell.net

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