[BHS etree] ADMIN: Email Notification of Absences and Tardies

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Mar 29 10:57:34 PDT 2007

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to the etree, contact Janet Huseby
[mailto:jhuseby at pacbell.net]

For the past year, Berkeley High has been working with a new system to
notify parents via email of their children's Tardies and Absences (in
addition to the phone calls which are on going). The email addresses
we are using are the ones which were on this year's Emergency Cards.
For the most part I was able to read the addresses but some of the
handwriting was difficult to read--I did my best.  

Following the announcement in the last newsletter and then again on
the Academic Choice etree, many people wrote requesting that they be
notified via email.  After checking the email addresses of those who
wrote in I noticed that most were already entered into the email
system.  This leads me to believe that the Berkeley notifications are
being blocked.

1. The email notifications come from the following address: Berkeley
High School [email at ntigroup.com].  Please make sure that your spam
filter allows this address through. 

2. The email system is still erratic.  Charles Keefe in the Attendance
Office is working hard but it does not always work. Listen to the
phone messages as well as look for email notifications. 

3.  Many people have requested that both parents or guardians be
notified. Unfortunately, the system currently only accepts one
address. In cases where one parent writes in but the other parent is
on the emergency card, I have left it as is.  If two email addresses
were on the Emergency Card, I still only included one in the BHS
system.   If your family wants to change the
one email address, please contact me at
janet_huseby at berkeley.k12.ca.us (not my usual address) and I will work
on it.

Berkeley High cares deeply about student attendance. Showing up for
class makes a big difference in a child's school success. We hope the
email notifications will help make a difference.

Have a wonderful spring break.  

Janet Huseby

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