[BHS etree] SUPT: Volunteers for Berkeley Day on April 28

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Mar 27 21:15:38 PDT 2007

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to the etree, contact Mark Coplan
[mailto:Mark_Coplan at berkeley.k12.ca.us] 

* * * * SAVE THE DATE * * * *
Saturday, April 28th 10 AM 

Dear Friends, 

On a single Saturday morning last year, Berkeley volunteers helped the
City hand-deliver earthquake readiness tips to tens of thousands of
Berkeley families.
We're asking for your help again this year. We need to help our
community prepare for a widespread health emergency, such as a flu
Saturday, April 28, 2007 is "Get Ready, Berkeley Day 2," and we need
hundreds of volunteers to go door-to-door in City neighborhoods and
share the information families need to get ready.

How can you help?
First, let us know if you can participate, and tell us how many others
you can bring with you. 

Second, help us recruit more volunteers. Forward this email around and
talk to your friends, co-workers and neighbors. It's a great chance to
get out, learn about emergency preparedness, and make a difference in
the community.
** We especially need to know if you live in a secure apartment
Let us know when you RSVP, and you may be able to help prepare your
neighbors who might otherwise be out of reach.**
Third, come on down! Here are the details:
Who:          You and your friends and neighbors
What:          Deliver important emergency preparation material
When:  Saturday, April 28 at 10:00 a.m. sharp
Where: Frances Albrier Community Center in San Pablo Park 2800 Park
Street in Berkeley
Back at Frances Albrier after the walk, the Berkeley Fire Fighters
Association is treating all the volunteers to a great BBQ lunch.

To RSVP or get more information, contact Tanya Bustamante at
GetReadyBerkeley07 at ci.berkeley.ca.us or call her at (510) 981-5342. 
Thank you for being involved in your community. It's people like you
who make Berkeley a special place to live.

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