[BHS etree] PTSA Board Nominates New Co-President

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Mon Mar 19 09:39:22 PDT 2007

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to the etree, contact Mark van Krieken
[mailto:markvk4 at comcast.net] 

The PTSA would like to announce that its board has nominated Mark van
Krieken to join Linnette Robinson as co-president to help with the
effort to restructure the organization and to redefine the role the
PTSA should play in a school community that is now comprised of six
small schools and programs.  

There was enough work for co-presidents last year and there certainly
is enough work for co-presidents this year.  This is a critical time
for the PTSA and we'll need your help.  (See accompanying announcement
on PTSA Restructuring.)

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