[BHS etree] ADMIN: BHS Math Department Honors Testing

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Wed Feb 21 22:10:28 PST 2007

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to the etree, contact Michael Weitz
[mweitz at berkeley.k12.ca.us]

Honors testing at Berkeley High School

The Berkeley High School math department will conduct Honors testing
for the 07/08 school year in April.  The tentative dates for the
testing are 4/10, 4/12, 4/24 and 4/26.  The exams will be given at
3:30 pm on the day of the testing in room H308.  Students take an exam
to test into either Honors Geometry, Honors Algebra 2 or Honors Math
Analysis.  All exams consist of a 45-problem multiple-choice test to
be completed in 45 minutes.  Students need to bring a pencil and a
scientific (non-graphing) calculator.  Students new to the district
also need to supply the e-mail address of their current math teacher.

Specific Information:  Consult the information below to determine
testing directions for specific students.

If you are a...
Current BHS student:
Testing Options: Honors Algebra 2 / Honors Math Analysis
Test Exemptions: No test necessary if the student is currently in an
Honors class and earning an A or a B.	
How To Sign Up: Contact current math teacher in March

Current 8th grader at King, Willard or Longfellow:
Testing Options: Honors Geometry
Test Exemptions: No test necessary if the student is currently in
Honors Algebra and earning an A
How To Sign Up: e-mail Mr. Weitz or sign up through middle school
teacher (see directions below)

Current 8th grader entering BHS from out of district (i.e. private
Testing Options: Honors Geometry
Test Exemptions: No exemptions
How To Sign Up: e-mail Mr. Weitz (see directions below)

Current 9th-11th grader entering BHS from out of district:
Testing Options: Honors Algebra 2 / Honors Math Analysis	
Test Exemptions: no exemptions
How To Sign Up: e-mail Mr. Weitz (see directions below)	

In some RARE circumstances, incoming 9th graders that are new to BUSD
want to sign up to take Honors Algebra 2.  These students need to pass
an Honors Geometry final exam, to be taken in late August.  These
students first need to pass the Honors Geometry placement test in the
spring then contact Mr. Weitz about Honors Algebra 2.

Directions for e-mail sign ups:
	To sign up for an honors test, e-mail Mr. Weitz at
mweitz at berkeley.k12.ca.us.  Type in the subject line of the e-mail the
name of the student, the current grade, the type of test desired and
the desired date.  Mr. Weitz will only be reading the subject line.
If he sends you no response you may assume you have the requested
date.  On the day of the test, be sure to send the student with their
current math teacher's e-mail address if they are new to the district.
EXAMPLE:	Subject:  Benjamin Carson, 8th grade, hnrs geo, 4/12

Frequently asked questions:

What should my child study to prepare for the honors exam?  
To prepare for the exams, students should practice with SAT II test
prep books.  Students testing into Honors Geometry should study
Algebra 1 material.  Students testing into Honors Algebra 2 should
study Algebra 1 and Geometry material.  Students testing into Honors
Math Analysis should study Algebra 2 material and some Geometry
material as well, including Right Triangle Trigonometry.

My child took the honors exam in April and didn't pass.  Some of the
topics on the exam weren't covered in his/her current math class until
after the test.  Is this fair?
All students taking the exam in April will have some deficiencies
because they haven't completed an entire course yet.  Which topics
they miss depends on what book they are currently working out of.  So,
in a sense, all students have a similar handicap. Students who are
"close to passing" are invited to retake the exam in August to account
for differences in math curricula.

How should I know whether my child should take an honors math class? 
Honors math classes are extremely rigorous with extra emphasis on
logic and problem solving skills.  Success in an honors class requires
a greater time commitment than a regular class.  A student should only
take honors math if he/she is willing to put in the time and enjoys
doing challenging math problems.

How much work do students have in honors math?  
On average, a student can expect at least an hour of math homework a
night.  It can be more, depending on how fast a student works on math.
Also, problem sets may be assigned that require extra time outside of
regular homework.  Honors students must also fulfill a community
service requirement.

How do honors math classes affect my child's GPA?  
For the UC and Cal State systems, Honors Geometry and Honors Algebra 2
are not given any special weighting.  So, for instance, a B in Honors
Algebra 2 counts as a B for calculating GPA.  Honors Math Analysis
does get special weighting. In calculating GPA, Honors Math Analysis
counts as one letter grade higher.  So a B in Honors Math Analysis
counts as an A in calculating GPA.

If my child doesn't take an honors math class, can they take advanced
placement (AP) classes later on?
The only requirement to take AP Calculus is to pass Math Analysis or
IMP 4 with a C or better.  Non-honors students are definitely prepared
to take AP and they routinely score high marks on AP math tests in
their senior year.

Other questions may be directed to the math department chair:
Mr. Weitz
mweitz at berkeley.k12.ca.us

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