[BHS etree] ADMIN: Exit exam / new venue / volunteers STILL needed /Late startday / background info.

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Sat Feb 3 12:49:44 PST 2007

Contact: jhuseby at pacbell.net 

1. The Venue has been changed for the Exit Exam. The California High
School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) will be given on Tuesday, February 6th and
Wednesday, February 7th to all tenth graders. Students should report
to  the Old Gym on Milvia Street at 7:30 a.m. EACH day where they will
be given instructions of where they are assigned to take the test,
either in the Jacket Gym or Donahue Gym. (Math will be given one day,
English the other.)

2. Because of the venue change, we need a few more volunteers
especially for Tuesday morning 7:15-8:30.  If you can help then or any
other time over the two day period, please contact Janet Huseby at
jhuseby at pacbell.net! 

3. Next Wednesday, Feb. 7 is a LATE START DAY for everyone except the
10th graders.  All sophomores must report to the Old Gym (entrance on
Milvia) for instructions.  They will take the test in the same place
they took it on Tuesday at 7:30 for the second part of the exit exam.

More information on the first two items: 
*All students must take the two day test in order to graduate from
high school in California.  
*When students arrive at the old gym there will be signs telling them
where to go, and volunteers to help check them in.  
*Students should bring Number 2 pencils, a photo I.d., a jacket to
stay warm, and a book to read if they finish one of the sections
*Calculators and scratch paper are not allowed.  
*This is an untimed test; it usually takes only 2 to 3 hours, but
students have the regular school day to take it. 
*When they finish the test students will go to their class already in
 *The Food Court will be opened a half hour earlier for breakfast and
stay open an hour longer so that students may eat lunch.  Students
will not be allowed off campus after our regular lunch period.
During the late start day the faculty will meet to discuss the
Advisory Plan Proposal which  will be voted on February 13 by the
School Governance Council. Under the proposal, students would meet
with a faculty member or administrator on a regular basis for
counseling, scheduling guidance, college planning, study habits,
conflict resolution, etc.  For the complete proposal, please visit the
PTSA website at http://bhs.berkeleypta.org/index.htm

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