[BHS etree] ADMIN: Holiday Meal Help

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Nov 21 11:21:16 PST 2006

Please do not hit reply, contact Pasquale Scuderi
mailto:Pasquale_Scuderi at berkeley.k12.ca.us] 

Friends and Families:

The annual Holiday Meal will happen at Berkeley High School on
Saturday, December 9, at 1:00 p.m. Berkeley High Students, staff, and
families will serve a holiday meal to hundreds of local folks in
need. We really need your help this year with the following things:

1. Turkeys, Hams, Roasts, etc. 

The ideal way to contribute to the holiday meal is to prepare these
items at home and bring them over to the food court at BHS the
morning of the event between 8 and 11, but we will also take
donations of unprepared food.

2. Greens, salad vegetables, etc. Again, while we will accept help of
any kind, these fresh items are best brought in the morning of the
9th. We have limited storage space and would really appreciate
morning drop-offs.

3. Soft drinks and bottled water: You can bring these in the day
before, or send them with students and we will store them in the
activities office.

4. Recyclable plates, forks, knives, napkins, etc. We can take these
starting today and will store them in the activities office.

Please let us know if you can help. Let us know what you plan to
bring so we can start to get an idea of where we are in terms of
supplies for the event. You can leave word for me at 644-4814

Thank you so much for your help. This truly is an opportunity to
spread that spirit of giving and community!


Pasquale Scuderi
Vice Principal
Berkeley High School

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