[BHS etree] PTSA: Do you appreciate your PTSA?

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Mon Dec 26 16:59:45 PST 2005

Please do not hit reply, contact Carol S. Lashof
[mailto:clashof at stmarys-ca.edu]

Do you appreciate your PTSA?

Does your child depend on the Organizer?

Do you read the PTSA Newsletter to learn about what's new at Berkeley

Are you excited to have a directory of BHS students, families, and

Would you like to see the PTSA continue to host informational forums,
welcome events for new families, and appreciation luncheons for

Yes, alas, most of these things cost money and that money has to come
from our generous, supportive members, so please print out the
membership form at
http://www.bhs.berkeleypta.org/pta/membership-form.PDF and send it in
with your contribution.  If you're already a member, thank you--and
please feel free to make an additional donation.

With much gratitude and wishes for joy in the new year,

The PTSA Board
Karen Hemphill and Carol Lashof, Copresidents

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