[BHS etree] ADMIN: History class by UC Ext for HS

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Sep 22 08:06:21 PDT 2005

Contact: Gaius Stern, gaius at uclink.berkeley.edu

UC Berkeley Extension is opening a History outreach program by
offering a college survey History 4B style course "Rome to the
Hundred Years War" on Weds afternoons, one block from BHS.  The class
will meet on Weds afternoons from 4-6:30 (with a break).  The fee for
the class is under $450 for a full three credits, which translates to
much less money per credit than a regular semester at Cal.  Students
may add this class to their resume when applying to college to show
motivation, and afterwards to exempt out of Western Civ. B in college
(just like an AP exam).   And the class will be fun and entertaining.
A course description follows:

History X401B    History of Western Civilizations  "Rome to the
Hundred Years War"
Instructor:  Gaius Stern (UC Berkeley History)
Location:  2222 Harold Way room 201
Time: 4:00 pm Wedsdays
Dates: August 31 - Dec. 14

Note: Despite the official start date of 31 August, those signing up
now are not really "late" but missed a single class if they come next
Weds. The registration form is available on-line at

This class will introduce students to basic models and events
instrumental in the development and progress of Western Civilization.
One unit will focus on the coinage in the Roman Empire and use 25
real Roman coins to show how coins were used almost as newspaper to
circulate news and propaganda.  Modern portrayals of Rome by
Hollywood will also be discussed.  The class will move into the
Middle Ages to explore the new theory about Vikings as traders more
than raiders, but also as raiders.  We will study the Black Death and
the witchcraft frenzy that struck Europe. Other topics will include
the Norman Conquest, the Crusades, the rise of the early nation-state
in England and France, and the beginning of the Renaissance.

The course will consist partly of lectures and partly of group
discussion of readings and material cultural history (coins, a sword,
etc).  Each student is encouraged to make a presentation or
demonstration using Middle Ages technology to illustrate the limited
means then available and the progress advanced over time from the
1000 year span of the class to the modern day.

This class is a 3 unit college course designed for HS students. There
are no prerequisites. There will be a final exam and students have
their choice of a paper or project/presentation. Class participation
will make up a considerable part of the grade.

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