[BHS etree] ADMIN: A volunteer and event roundup

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Mon Apr 25 22:01:39 PDT 2005

contact: Janet Huseby jhuseby at pacbell.net

I have just posted a request for help during the two week AP exam period.
This is right on the heels of the STAR test.  These are the last BIG pushes
of the year for parent help. Lest you fear my requests are never ending,
below is a summary of the upcoming and current events which are calling on
parent help. That is, events that I know of right now.  There is no question
the school would flounder were in not for the help which you, kind
volunteers contribute. Berkeley High is lucky to be supported by its
community in the fashion it is.  Thank you very very much. Janet

1. STAR test, April 26 - April 29.  If you can help be a "runner"  on
Wednesday, Thursday or Friday from 8:15 to 9:30, please come to room G210.
This is an opportunity to walk the halls and visit classrooms. (contact,
jhuseby at pacbell.net)

2. The Family Picnic on Saturday, April 30 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the
Green.   With root beer floats and athletic challenges this will be a good
day to celebrate our school. (contact, Irma Parker at
iparker at berkeley.k12.ca.us)

3. The AP tests May 2 - May 13.  If your child is taking one or more of the
AP exams, please find time in your schedule to proctor another one.
(contact, jhuseby at pacbell.net)

4. Come to the Kick Off Rally and Press Conference for "Caravan for Kids"
this Wednesday, April 27, 2:45-3:30, in front of the BUSD (Old City Hall),
2134 MLK Jr. Way . The next day, April 28,  is the caravan itself. (contact,
cynthia_papermaster at yahoo.com, 415-393-8248.)

5. Teacher Appreciation Lunch, May 5, from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. East Gallery of
the Community Theatre. Come help set up or contribute a dish to the over 200
teachers and staff at BHS. (contact, Tonya Tyree at Tonyat2310 at aol.com)

6. A parent is needed to take on the task of printing and delivering the
etree in hard copy two or three times a week (or five) to the Parent
Resource Center.  Parent Beth Summers who has been in charge of this job all
year is moving and unable to continue.  Contact me for more details, janet
Janet Huseby and Kathryn Capps are the facilitators of the etree; please
direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com> To
subscribe to the etree, write bhs-request at idiom.com with one word only in
the subject line: subscribe.
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