[BHS etree] PTSA: "Caravan for Kids" April 28

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Apr 14 22:18:27 PDT 2005

Contact: Cynthia Papermaster, Berkeley PTA "Caravan for Kids" Coordinator,
cpapermaster at gibsondunn.com  415-393-8248 (day);  510-333-6097 (eve)

The Berkeley PTA Council is organizing a contingent of students, parents,
and teachers (who can do this as a school field trip) to join the California
PTA's statewide  "Caravan for Kids" rally and lobbying effort in Sacramento
on Thursday, April 28.   Please use the form below to reserve a seat on one
of our chartered buses, or to let us know if you want to carpool. Contact
us to become part of this wonderful "Caravan for Kids."  Berkeley will be
an effective and lively presence in Sacramento on April 28.

Dear Berkeley teachers-- we think this would be a great field trip for your
students.  Please get in touch if you're interested.

Students and parents from all over the state will converge on Sacramento for
a noon rally on the steps of the Capitol building to protest the Governor's
proposed budget. Some PTA members will be  meeting with the Governor and
legislators to ask them to sign a pledge of committment to public schools.

Together we will insist that Governor Schwarzenegger and the Legislature:

  a.. Honor their promise to restore $2 billion to California schools.
  b.. Uphold Proposition 98 - Constitutional funding guarantee for public
schools approved by the voters.
  c.. Rebuild California's commitment to education.
On Wednesday, April 27, the Caravan for Kids will kick-off in Berkeley with
a Berkeley PTA Council news conference.

On Thursday, April 28, chartered buses, cars and vans will leave together
from a Central Berkeley location at 9:30 a.m.

Suggested donation for the bus trip is $10-20. Reservations required (see
below).  The buses will leave Sacramento at 3:00 pm, arriving in Berkeley at
approx. 5:00 pm

Our caravan will be joined by parents and students coming from Oakland,
Albany, and other surrounding cities.

If you've been troubled by the cuts to education funding now is the time for
you to be visible, speak up, and to make it possible for your children to
voice their desire for a good education.
Kids don't vote, but they can tell Sacramento what they need! Come and make
your voice heard on the Capitol steps on Thursday, April 28 at Noon.

We will make history.   Be a part of it.   Join the Caravan For Kids!

For much more information go to California PTA website:

 Yes, I'm joining the Caravan for Kids to Sacramento on April 28!

  I want to reserve ___ (#) seats on one of the chartered buses.   NOTE:
Please reserve as soon as possible; seats are limited & the buses will fill
very quickly!
  I will drive and can take ___ (#) people with me.   A carpool coordinator
will contact you. It's about 90 minutes from Berkeley to Sacramento.
  If you're interested in taking the train we can give you that information.

  Name:                                           Phone # & email:

  Names of others coming with you (indicate ages of children) :

  School or other affilitation:

  Send this form to cpapermaster at gibsondunn.com or call 415-393-8248  &
leave your name and phone #.

  Want to volunteer? We need folks to coordinate each school contingent,
children's activities helpers, legislative liasions, sign-makers, etc Time
committment is minimal (one day or less).
  Contact Berkeley PTA Caravan Coordinator Cynthia Papermaster:
415-393-8248 or cpapermaster at gibsondunn.com



Californians care about public schools. That is why, in 1988, voters passed
Proposition 98, which guarantees minimum funding for schools. Last year, to
alleviate California's fiscal quagmire, the Education Coalition cut a deal
with Governor Schwarzenegger. The Education Coalition agreed to a one-time
reduction in Prop 98 revenues by $2 billion. In his press release trumpeting
this agreement, Gov. Schwarzenegger declared "Prop.98 funding will be
restored as required by law and our agreement. Today, I am making that
promise to our teachers and students."   That was 2004. Now, one year later,
he is breaking that promise by refusing to restore school funding to Prop 98
levels. Furthermore, the Governor proposes to shift the teacher's retirement
costs from the state to the local districts, increasing the burden on
already financial strapped schools.  Governor Schwarzenegger is not only
betraying the people that trusted him to keep his word, but he is now
proposing to gut Prop 98 with a constitutional  amendment. Even with
Proposition 98 in place, California ranks 43 out of the 50 states in per
pupil spending.

Join the "Caravan for Kids" and help us remind the Governor and Legislators
to honor the mandates of Prop 98 and to honor our most precious commodity,

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