[BHS etree] ETREE: First day of School in the fall--still a mystery

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Apr 12 17:21:41 PDT 2005

We have begun receiving questions from people wondering when the first day
of school is scheduled for the fall semester. Unfortunately, no one knows,
yet.  The calendar is a subject of negotiation between the teachers and the
administration.  Usually the dates are set late in the spring.  As soon as
we hear, we will post.  Meanwhile, for planning purposes, we can let new
families know what has happened for the last decade or so.

School USUALLY starts some time in the week BEFORE Labor Day--on the Tuesday
or Wednesday.  In the past, there has been a freshmen orientation the week
before THAT in which students have gone on tour, had their picture IDs made
and picked up their schedules.  It may well be slightly--or even
quite--different this year.  But at least you know what has happened in the

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