[BHS etree] PARENT RESOURCE CENTER: Family Day Picnic / Lost and Found

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Apr 12 16:47:34 PDT 2005

contact:  Irma Parker [mailto:iparker at berkeley.k12.ca.us]

1.Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Come One, Come All
The Parent Resource Center is sponsering its First BHS Family Day Picnic,
Saturday, April 30, from 11 -3:00 p.m. on the campus "green."
All Berkeley High School families are invited to this event, so pack your
picnic baskets and bring your family.
Drinks and ice cream will be provided by BHS.
There will be a jumper for kids and Carnival games for all.
Come meet and greet other BHS families and enjoy fun in the sun.

We will need 15 - 20 volunteers to assist us in the following areas:
1) Setup of refreshment area (tables and cleaning area)
2) Sale of refreshments( hot dogs, popcorn and root beer floats)
3) Decorations (Balloons)
4) Assistance with games and kids jumper
5) Clean up

If you can volunteer in the above areas, please call the BHS Parent Center
at 644-8524 by April 19, and we will assign you to a particular duty.
Thanks for your support

2. Dear Parents and BHS Staff,
Parents please ask your children to check the Parent Resource Center
located in room D-148 for lost clothing, keys, phones and other items.
Many of the clothing are soiled and will be discarded or donated to a
local shelter as the Parent Center has very little space to keep those
items.  All items will be discarded by May 5, 2005.

Parent Resource Center Staff

Janet Huseby and Kathryn Capps are the facilitators of the etree; please
direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com>

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