[BHS etree] ADMIN: Help needed, STAR testing (next few weeks) and Mailing (Thursday 4/7)

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Apr 5 17:52:40 PDT 2005

contact: jhuseby at pacbell.net

1. MAILING: On Thursday, April 7 the administration is putting together a
mailing for senior families with graduation details.  Help is needed! from
8:30 a.m. on in Conference Room B.  If you can come, please let Janet Huseby
know at jhuseby at pacbell.net.

2. STAR SORTING:  The California Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR)
tests will be given during the last week of April to all 9th, 10th and 11th
grade students.  Before the tests can begin the administration must sort and
label four tests and one answer sheet for each individual student into
second period groups.  In all, close to 10,000 pieces of paper must be
shuffled--a huge job. Last year the administration was able to do this
during spring break. However, this year the papers had not arrived from the
state by the break so the job must be done over the next two weeks starting
on Tuesday, April 12.  Vice Principal Rory Bled plans to be hard at work by
7:00 every morning until the job is done.  She is hoping parents can come in
and help for one or two hour shifts. (All day volunteers get a parking
pass!) If we all pitch in and lend a hand, this task can be accomplished in
time for the tests to begin.  If you can help, please contact Janet Huseby
(jhuseby at pacbell.net) and let her know what days and what times you can come

3. STAR TESTING: The STAR tests will be given in the mornings Tuesday, April
26 to Friday, April 29. Students' 2nd period teachers will administer the
test.  (Special arrangements will be made for students who proctor 2nd
period.)  Volunteer help will be needed to distribute the sorted class boxes
and to be runners throughout the mornings.  If you can help, please contact
Janet Huseby (jhuseby at pacbell.net) and let her know what days and times you
can come.

(etree note) A short word about the STAR test.  The infamous "No Child Left
Behind" legislation requires every school have a 95% participation rate for
the STAR test.  If we fail to come up with the 95%, even if those who DO
take the test do very well, Berkeley High will be labeled as "under
performing" and penalized.  That is, we will be required to shift resources
from classrooms to private tutoring agencies. It is unfair yet it is the
law.  Please make sure that your child takes the exams.
Janet Huseby and Kathryn Capps are the facilitators of the etree; please
direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com>

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