[BHS etree] COLLEGE/CAREERS: Advisor's Bulletin for 3-25-05

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Mar 24 20:34:43 PST 2005

College Advisor's Bulletin
Friday, March 25, 2005

SAT WORD OF THE DAY:   OBDURATE – stubborn; intransigent.  Because of 
the obdurate resistance they faced in Stalingrad, the German army was 
forced to retreat from the USSR during World War II.

MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1:20 p.m. – Harvard University.

Sign up in the College Center to attend.


Berkeley Copwatch, a grassroots organization that has been leading 
“Know Your Rights” trainings, monitoring police with video cameras and 
scanners, and assisting victims of misconduct for 15 years, is looking 
for two youth organizers to educate South and West Berkeley residents 
about their rights and help to organize activities that support 
community justice projects.  Interns will work 5 hours per week at 
$10/hour.  Applicants should be at least 16 years old, some experience 
in political organizing and have the ability to speak publicly.  
Applications available in the College/Career Center.  Deadline:  March 


SCHOLARSHIP SCAMS – There are many fraudulent organizations which prey 
on families which need money for college.  If an offer seems too good 
to be true, it probably is false.  If someone tells you that you are 
guaranteed to get a scholarship, don’t believe them.  You should never 
have to pay for scholarship information.  Please stop by if you have 
questions about any solicitation you have received.

College of Alameda is hosting “Spring into College” days including 
priority registration, one-stop services including assessment testing, 
orientation, counseling, program planning and enrollment, financial aid 
and transferring.  March 30 and 31, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00.  (Students only 
attend for one day.)  To register, call Anna O’Neal at (510) 748-2307.

Below are samples of the many scholarships available in the 
College/Career Center.  Don’t miss this opportunity for free money!  An 
updated list is printed every Monday.

California Labor Federation - Senior attending accredited college in 
the fall.  Essay and transcript required.  Applications available in 
the College Center.  Deadline:  April 15

Elsie Carrington Rumford  Scholarship - African American female senior 
attending high school in Alameda or Contra Costa County with an 
unweighted minimum GPA of 2.5 who is planning to attend a vocational 
program or two or four year college and demonstrates economic need.  
Applications available in the College Center.  Deadline:  April 9.

Morris and Juliet James Achievement Award - students must have attended 
Berkeley public elementary, middle and high schools, participated in 
community service and are interested in becoming a teacher or working 
with people in another capacity.  $2,000.  Applications due in D-221 by 
April 15.

Gill Scholarship - Senior planning to attend a four year college with a 
major in math, science, engineering or business.  Deadline:  April 14.

Alpha Kappa Alpha - Graduating African American female with a minimum 
GPA of 3.0, not including non-academic courses with economic need.  
$500-$2,000.  Deadline:  April 1.

*New to the list today

*Confused about which schools need SAT subject tests (formerly called 
SAT II) and how many?  Here’s a very helpful web site:  
http://www.compassprep.com/subject_test.  I recommend that you double 
check this information with each school’s admissions web site.

If you have not yet made an appointment to see me, new sign-up sheets 
will be available beginning on Monday, April 4, 8:00 a.m.

TODAY - SAT – March 25 is the regular registration deadline for the May 
7th New SAT and SAT subject tests.
ACT – May 6 is the regular registration deadline for the June 11 ACT 

The list of summer opportunities is now available in the College/Career 
Center.  Come by and see the wide range of programs available.  
Following are a few samples:

Summer Reading Skills Programs – Through Cal State Hayward, classes in 
Alameda and Oakland.  For more information, call 1-800-978-3532.

Skidmore College Summer 2005 Acceleration Program in Art, July 4-August 
4.  College credit and non-credit courses available.  Classes in many 
different art forms.  Financial aid available.  Admissions is on a 
rolling basis, so apply soon.  Applications available in the 
College/Career Center.

Janet Huseby and Kathryn Capps are the facilitators of the etree; 
please direct any questions or concerns to them at 
<bhs-owner at idiom.com>

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