[BHS etree] MISC: Youth Leadership Institute, SUMMER 2005

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Jan 18 15:22:59 PST 2005

CONTACT: Kolleen Ostgaard, LegiSchool Project Director,legischool at csus.edu,
Dear Educator:

Attached is an application for the African American Youth Leadership Program
to be held July 10-16 at Sacramento State University.  The program is open
to all students who are currently enrolled in the 10th or 11th grades.  It's
a great opportunity for young people to develop/hone their leadership
skills, learn more about state/local government and explore career
possibilities.  Please pass the information on to interested students.

Thank you,
Kolleen Ostgaard
LegiSchool Project Director

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