[BHS etree] BULLETIN: Student Daily Bulletin for 1/7/05

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Jan 6 22:01:17 PST 2005

January 7, 2005
Contact:  Belinda McDaniel  bmcdaniel at berkeley.k12.ca.us


1.	Artists National Portfolio Day:  Saturday, January 15 at the 
College of the Arts, 1111 Eighth Street, San Francisco.  Tours and
financial aid workshops --10:00 am to noon; Portfolio reviews- 12:00 
Noon  to 4:00
p.m..  This is your chance to have your portfolio reviewed by an expert.
Representatives of over 30 leading colleges of art and design will be
present.  For more information, go to <www.npda.org> or call 

2.	We’re not giving away free weed, but we are giving away free advice.
Come to a blunt talk about Blunts.  Learn their impact to your body and
your brain.  Whether you smoke or you’re concerned about a friend or
family member- come to an honest, confidential, non-judgmental 
about marijuana facilitated by a statewide expert.  Monday, January 10th
after school (3:30 p.m.) in room G207. Questions?  Contact Tricia at 

1.	First Earphone English Club meeting of the year: come at lunch on
Friday to C116 and we’ll get started on some of our new projects.

2.	It’s a new year and a new start to the Cooking Cub.  Come to the
informational meeting January 10th in H106 to discuss new recipes,
meet new friends, and have fun in the new year!

3.	Jewish?  Why wait?  Come join the BHS Jewish Student Union. Our next
meeting will be on Thursday, January 13th at lunch in G212.
1.	Attention Men’s Tennis Players:  Get your physical exam done now 
the spring rush--go to the BHS Health Center to make an appointment.  
must have physicals before tryouts, which will begin February 7.  
to come work on your backhand in the meantime.

2.	Attention all boys interested in joining the BHS Golf team:
Informational meeting and signups to be held at 3:45 p.m. on Wednesday 
1/12 in
M202 on the second floor of the Old Gym.

3.	Attention all girls interested in playing softball for Berkeley high;
Informational meeting and signups to be held on the BHS Visitor’s Turf
bleachers on Friday, January 7th at 3:45 p.m.

Senior Section
1.	January 17: deadline to turn in Midyear School Report Forms to the
College Center.  This is required for most schools that requested a
counselor recommendation.  It is not required for the UC’s and most Cal
campuses.  Paperclip a regular business-sized envelope with one stamp on
it to the college Mid-Year Report form and a transcript request form.
Write “Midyear report” on the top of each Transcript Request Form.

2.  Hey Seniors!  All senior pages are due Friday, January 7th.
So be sure to stop by H102 everyday during zero period or Tuesday and 
during 7th period to purchase your page.

Events/ Performance
1.	St. Luke Missionary Church invites you to a Youth Gospel Musical.
Friday, January 14th at 7:00 p.m. at 165 South 7th St , Richmond, CA 
2.	Today is the last day to buy tickets! Tickets for the Winter Ball are
$25 . Bring your receipt to the community theater steps on Monday to
receive your ticket.

3.	Dance Production 2005 is here at last!  Did you know that the guy
sitting next to you in Physics cans tap dance? Have you seen the Hip-Hop
moves of that gal in your 1st period class?  Come see the grooves and
moves of the finest dancers at BHS.  Dance Production is this weekend 
next, Fridays and Saturdays, January 7, 8,14, and 15 in the Little
Theater.  8:00 p.m.  $5 students/ $10 general.  Come early get a good 
These shows will sell out.  Be prepared to be inspired.

4.	Black and White (Semi-Formal) winter ball on January 28th at Zazoo’s
Restaurant (15 Embarcadero West, Oakland).  Winter ball tickets are on
sale for $25 at lunch in the Community Theater box office on Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday.

1.	Yearbooks are on sale for $65.00.  Every Tuesdays and Thursdays 
lunch or zero period to purchase your book.

Janet Huseby and Kathryn Capps are the facilitators of the etree; please
direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com>

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only in the subject line: subscribe.
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