[BHS etree] MISC: Escrip customer alert

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Wed Sep 15 22:14:09 PDT 2004

contact:  Patricia Kates [mailto:patriciakates at comcast.net]

Escrip customers,

WATCH YOUR MAIL!  Escrip will shortly send you a mailing with your password,
your supporter ID number and your spending record over the last six months.

Beware, the mailings often look like junk mail or cheap advertising.  But
keep this mailing.  You will need to renew your Safeway participation or you
will be dropped on 11/1/04 and BHS will no longer get money from Safeway
when you shop.  The mailing will have vital information to help you renew
your Safeway contribution through Escrip.

Also, many of our customers have gotten new credit card numbers or use their
phone number (not their Safeway club card number) at Safeway and often
Berkeley High is getting no credit for their shopping.

All this can be fixed, just go to escrip.com or call us (we'll do it for
you!) - but only if you have your ID and password.  So open up your letter
from Escrip and keep your ID and password in a safe place for future changes
and updates.

Berkeley High has the potential of making a lot of money through Escrip --
we depend on your helping us out -- thank you in advance.

Patty Kates                                       Helen Walker
841-1322                                          845-4948
patriciakates at comcast.net                 helenwalker at comcast.net

Janet Huseby and Kathryn Capps are the facilitators of the etree; please
direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com>

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