[The Women's Faculty Club] Jazz, Bach and Mariachis- Join us for an Auditory Delight

ebswift ebswift at berkeley.edu
Tue Sep 17 16:49:53 PDT 2019

Those are all GREAT flyers.Really inviting.Fingers crossed for great turnouts.ESent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
-------- Original message --------From: The Women's Faculty Club <womensfacultyclub at gmail.com> Date: 9/17/19  3:45 PM  (GMT-08:00) To: individualmembers at lists.lmi.net, Mary Remy <maryremy6055 at gmail.com> Subject: [The Women's Faculty Club] Jazz,	Bach and Mariachis- Join us for an Auditory Delight -- Women's Faculty ClubUniversity of California, BerkeleyPhone: (510) 642-4175www.womensfacultyclub.comThe Next Century Campaign 
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