[Individualmembers] May Menu, Dinners-To-Go, and Arts in the Afternoon Reminders

The Women's Faculty Club hotel at womensfacultyclub.com
Sun May 1 15:17:34 PDT 2011

Dear Members -

It looks like spring weather has finally arrived to stay and we hope the deck
can remain open at the Club for more than a few days.  Our May menu and the
 "Dinner-To-Go" order form is attached.  The entree for this week is Braised
Lamb Shank with tomatoes, white beans and fresh herbs - $12.75.   Vegetable
Strudel  made with artichokes, leeks, mushrooms, ricotta cheese, garlic and
fresh herbs is also available - $11.95.    The soup is Cream of Spianch -

Do remember to join us for the final "Arts in the Afternoon" of the Spring
semester this Wednesday, May 4th at 4:00 p.m.    Lawrence Rinder, Director of
the Berkeley Art Museum, will discuss "Create" an exhibit opening at the
on May 11th, that focuses on creativity and disability in the arts.

As a special highlight the museum has arranged a special docent led tour
of the
exhibit for Club members and friends on Thursday, May 26th, 4:00 p.m.

Hope to see you at the "Arts" program and "on the deck."

Mary Remy
Manager, The Women's Faculty Club
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-6055
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