[Individualmembers] Dinners-To-Go

The Women's Faculty Club hotel at womensfacultyclub.com
Fri Jul 8 16:00:12 PDT 2011

Dear Members –

I hope all have enjoyed the Fourth of July holiday. We have been busy
behind the scenes with carpet cleaning and multiple maintenance projects
during our week long closure. When we reopen on Monday we will have a new
Summer Menu.

The “Dinner-To-Go” entrée for next week is Chicken Bastilla made with
Mary’s Free Range Chicken baked in filo pastry with eggs, almonds, raisins
and saffron; served with couscous and vegetables - $12.75. Vegetable
Bastilla is available at $11.75. The soup is Chickpea with Spinach -
$4.95. The order form is attached and may be emailed or faxed to the Club

The July menu is attached and was included with your June newsletter.  It
is also posted on our website www.womensfacultyclub.com. There will be no
newsletter in July.

I also want to alert you to a special opportunity. We are running a
WorkFit Yoga program here during the summer and Women’s Faculty Club
members are welcome to join. Yoga classes are held in the Lounge starting
at 5:15 p.m. on various days. Please see the link
and the email below for additional information.

All the best,

Mary Remy
Manager, The Women’s Faculty Club
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-6055

Class: WorkFIT Summer Yoga
Dates: July 1 - Aug 23 2011
Location: Women's Faculty Club Lounge
Time: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (varies -schedule attached)

Please contact me with any registration issues. If this is the first time
to sign-up using this system, the Create-An-Account directions are below.
These directions are very general, so read through them first before you

• Click on the class link provided and register
• Select the Create a New Account (you may have to scroll down the page to
find this option)
• Use your employee ID# and replace the first two digits with “A”.  (You
can find your employee ID# on your timecard) or login with your CalNet ID
• Select the WorkFit option and put it in your cart.  You will find it in
the Fitness option
• Don’t worry about the nonmember price as it’s the same as always...just
choose your class!
• Enter all the payment information and print your receipt.

Frances Hopkins
WorkFit Administrator
Department of Recreational Sports
University of California, Berkeley
2301 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, CA 94720-4420

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