[Individualmembers] Thank You & January Menu

The Women's Faculty Club hotel at womensfacultyclub.com
Fri Jan 14 15:52:40 PST 2011

Dear Members,

Thank you for your continued patronage during the past year. Without our
memberbership the Club could not continue to thrive. It has been a
challenging year as the economy has continued to impact the Club and all
our lives.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Club in the new year. We re-open
the Dining Room on Tuesday, Jan. 18th. Attached is the menu. The January
newsletter will be mailed shortly. The ballots for the Board of Directors
Elction will be mailed during the third week of January.

Best wishes for the New Year from all the staff of the Women's Faculty Club.

Mary Remy
Manager, The Women's Faculty Club
Women's Faculty Club
University of California, Berkeley
Phone: (510) 642-4175
Fax: (510) 204-9661
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