[BHS Etree] VOLUNTEERS: Last Call for BHS Carnival Volunteers, May 24 (Fri)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Thu May 16 14:42:10 PDT 2024

Please do not reply to this email. If you have questions, contact
johnvillavicencio at berkeley.net.

Hello BHS

We are getting ready for the Friday, May 24th school wide celebration. See
tentative map and schedule

We will happily accept volunteers for the following time slots:

12:30 - 2:30 pm

2:30 - 4:00 pm

The specific tasks will vary, but they could include bag check, ticket
sales, dunk tank support, human spheres support, softball field games
support, clean up, food sales support. There are too many unknowns to
pinpoint the exact tasks. If someone would like to volunteer, but needs to
be seated or out of the sun, then they can let me know. Folks can contact
me directly to volunteer (johnvillavicencio at berkeley.net).  We will likely
need about 20-30 adult volunteers in addition to any staff to support.

The BHS carnival is the only school wide event that allows all 3,000+
community members to celebrate the end of the school year. We gather on the
south side of campus to play games, have fun, and enjoy outdoor time
together. There will be a video game truck, student vs staff games,
performances, karaoke, big wheel races, food and a chance for students to
splash staff in the dunk tank among other activities. Most everything is
free except some of the food and the dunk tank cost a small amount of money
as a fundraiser for leadership. This event is heavily financed by the BHS
Development Group.

Host a booth or donate something!

We are also happily accepting any carnival items or accepting BHS-connected
groups who would like to host an interactive table of their choosing.
Contact Mr. V with your ideas or donations at johnvillavicencio at berkeley.net


Nicole Chee, Chaghig Walker, Charlotte Le Liboux, and Shirley Hudacko are
the parent-volunteer facilitators of the E-tree; please direct any
questions about the E-tree to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net.

BHS E-tree archives <http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/>

BHS website <http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/>

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BUSD Non-Discrimination Statement / la Política de No Discriminación

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