[BHS Etree] ADMIN: Fall PE Waiver Final Reminder

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Tue Sep 6 18:14:04 PDT 2022

Please do not reply to this message. If you have any questions, please
contact pewaivers at berkeley.net.

*Fall 2022 • PE WAIVERS*

This waiver form applies only to students participating in an outside
sports program that fulfills the following requirements below. Any student,
participating in a state or nationally sponsored competitive sports
activity, including participation in a professional dance company, can
request a waiver of the Physical Education requirement from the Berkeley
High School Administration.

*Waivers are located on the *Berkeley High School
<https://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/> website under documents. Here is a link BHS
PE Waiver - Fall 2022.docx

*Waiver Process*

1. Student provides Student ID number, grade level and SLC (Small Learning
Community) to the coach.

2. Your coach will print and complete all parts of the waiver.

3. Your coach writes a letter on company letterhead

*Letter Requirements:*

a. MUST be on letterhead

b. Your name and the date

c. Your coach’s contact information

d.  Assurance that you are meeting state physical standards and
competencies through the activity

e. The specific number of hours you will be doing the activity - minimum of

f. The coach who writes and signs the letter MUST also sign the waiver in
the beginning of the semester & at the end. Remember all coach signatures
must be by the same coach.

4. Must provide proof of registration and/or billing statement from the
organization where you plan to complete your PE credits requirement. The
registration must be current to Fall 2022 and must have the student’s name
showing he/she is registered.

5. Your Coach must email the PE Waiver Form, letter, and proof of
registration to pewaivers at berkeley.net no later than Friday, September 9,
2022. It will NOT be accepted if anyone else sends it. The coach and the
student will receive a confirmation receipt that all documents have been
received and are being reviewed.

Once you have completed your hours, have the same coach sign and email the
original copy of the waiver with the additional signature to
pewaivers at berkeley.net by Friday, December 9, 2022.

*Remember, your activity must:*

Be a structured athletic program, or a competitive (state-sponsored) team

Include at least five hours of structured activities per week -- at least
60 hours for the semester.

* The Berkeley YMCA is the only gym with a BHS PE waiver program. For
information please email Angelo Petrilli apetrilli at ymcaeastbay.org.

Questions? Email: pewaivers at berkeley.net


Nicole Chee, Jenny Fosket, Chaghig Walker, and Charlotte Le Liboux are the
parent-volunteer facilitators of the E-tree; please direct any questions
about the E-tree to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net.

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BHS website <http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/>

BUSD 2022-2023 Calendar

BUSD Non-Discrimination Statement / la Política de No Discriminación

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