[BHS Etree] VOLUNTEER: Hallway Monitors for Finals Needed! June 1 and 2 (Wed and Thur)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Tue May 31 21:24:49 PDT 2022

Please do not reply to this message. If you have any questions, please
contact Yolanda Brown-Clark, BHS Volunteer Coordinator
yolandabrownclark at berkeley.net, or Sally McLaughlin, BSV School Support
Volunteer Program Manager sallymclaughlin at berkeley.net.

Hello to our wonderful Berkeley High School Families!

We are in the home stretch, and we need volunteer support.

*We need 5 people per shift. As of now, on Wednesday, we only have 1 per
shift and on Thursday, we have no one signed up. Please let's make sure our
students are able to take their finals with no interruptions. Visible
presence in the hallways makes that possible. Thanks in advance for your
continued support!!!*

Hallway Monitors for Final Exams:  Having adult presence at school during
finals is essential to keeping the campus running smoothly and quietly.
Can you take a hall monitor shift?

   - Where:  Berkeley High -- check-in at the main office
   - When:  Wed-Thursday, June 1st-June 2nd
   - Shifts:  8am-10:30am and 10:30am-12:45pm

Here's the sign-up link:  *Hallway Monitor for Finals*

*NOTE:  If you must cancel, please try to cancel 24 hours in advance to
allow someone else to pick up the slot. *

*Questions*: Contact Yolanda Brown-Clark, BHS Volunteer Coordinator
yolandabrownclark at berkeley.net, or Sally McLaughlin, BSV School Support
Volunteer Program Manager sallymclaughlin at berkeley.net

*If you are not registered to volunteer, *you must be registered with *Berkeley
School Volunteers* (BSV, a program of the Berkeley Public Schools Fund) and
provide proof of vaccination before you can volunteer.

 Click this link to the *BSV School Support Volunteers*




Nicole Chee, Jenny Fosket, Chaghig Walker, and Charlotte Le Liboux are the
parent-volunteer facilitators of the E-tree; please direct any questions
about the E-tree to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net.

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